Male and female spiders from wiki
Here is a pretty conundrum for the evolutionists.
Spiders areALL land animals. This spider is the ONLY spider to live underwater. How did it learn how to do so?
The spider, an arachnid, builds a platform between the stalks of underwater plants. It attaches the platform to the stalks by silk threads, and then produces long threads which float in the water, apparently to guide the animal back to its nest. Clever, that. The threads also warn it of the approach of prey.
What now?
The hairs on the spider’s abdomen are specially designed to trap air bubbles. So it goes to the surface, air gets trapped in the hairs, and it submerges again, goes to the nest, and ‘scrapes’ the bubbles off the hairs. The bubbles are trapped by the platform, and forced up by the negative buoyancy of the air trapped in it, and forms a bell shape.
GO here for pictures of this process; spider lives in the bubble and waits in there for its prey to go past.
This extraordinary behaviour, in this the ONLY species to exhibit this behaviour pattern, is nothing short of a death-blow to ANY evolutionary explanations of its origin.
There is no way that this creature, with a brain the size of a pinhead, if that, could have worked out
1 How to make its silk
2 How to construct its underwater platform
3 How to trap air in its hairs
4 How to scrape it off underwater
5 That its prey would come swimming or floating by
6 How to catch it underwater
And why should it have gone underwater in the first place?
The female lays its eggs in the bell, and the juveniles trap some air from the bubbles, dart up to the surface, collect more, and set off to establish their new homes. How did they learn to do this? Instinct, you see!
Evolutionists are renowned for their fertile imaginations, but it is, as I say, impossible even to imagine a way for this to happen.
The theory has been falsified again: it cannot explain ANOTHER observation.
The evolution of spiders is yet ANOTHER example of evolutionary hopelessness. The very earliest fossils show no difference to today's.spiders.
Here is the wikipedia article on the subject, and you will see the pictures and comments there to this exact effect.
You note, they knew how to spin silk, make webs, catch insects and feed. They knew how to lay eggs, how to mate.
In addition to preserving spiders' anatomy in very fine detail, pieces of amber show spiders mating, killing prey, producing silk and possibly caring for their young. In a few cases amber has preserved spiders' egg sacs and webs, occasionally with prey attached; the oldest fossil web found so far is 100 million years old.
Every one of those items represents a full grown, perfectly developed INSTINCT, implanted in these little creatures in a state of perfection and completeness. they did not evolve, they could not evolve, and they have not evolved.
So, no change, no evolution, no origin. The first discovered spiders are exactly like their descendants.
We will return to the topic of spiders later, because they also present evolution with absolutely HUGE problems - like everything else in the living world.
Just as a dying tree begins to wither at the very tips, the smallest parts of the plant, just so these apparently insignificant items are really major indicators that the theory of evolution is really dead.
Evolution's Soft Underbelly
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