Evolution's Soft Underbelly
by Asyncritus
The Argument Darwin Dreaded…
The Argument No-One Has Developed Before…
The Argument to Which There Is
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If the process of mitosis was amazing, and shows that design is necessary to produce two new cells containing exactly the same number of chromosomes, then what must we say about meiosis?
Meiosis produces the sex cells.
The process of division in this case, however, doesn’t produce exactly the same number of chromosomes in the daughter cells, but EXACTLY HALF that number.
So if there are 10 chromosomes in the parent cell, the process of meiosis produces 5 in each sex cell.
Whereas mitosis takes A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E
And produces A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E and another set of A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E ,
meiosis takes A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E and produces A B C D E and A B C D E.
The pure astonishment that this creates in the mind of the onlooker is enormous.
As I said before, if in the same organism we have cells with 10 11 12 13 14 etc chromosomes, nothing short of chaos would result.
But here, in the sex cells, we have 5 chromosomes in each new cell, and no chaos results.
That, however isn’t the really astonishing part. The question arises, why does this happen? And the answer is extremely simple.
To produce a new organism with the original 10 chromosomes in each body cell, each parent must contribute exactly half the number ie 5. So the 10 is made up of 5 from one, and 5 from the other. And that is exactly what happens, because of this process of meiosis.
The mechanism of meiosis is in outline broadly similar to mitosis, but the details are quite different, and too technical to include here. There are some nice pictures here:
I simply want to make the point that there is purpose, design, counting, and most remarkable of all, foreknowledge in the design of what happens.
Somebody knew how to count.
Somebody knew that if 10 chromosomes from A combined with 10 chromosomes from B, there would be 20 in the offspring, which would create chaos.
Somebody therefore decided that the 10 had to be halved, and the halving had to be done properly, so A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E would produce A B C D E and A B C D E , not A A B C D or something else that wouldn’t work.
Somebody knew that in the reproductive process, 1 cell from A would join up with another cell from B.
Somebody, somehow, planted in the chromosomes of every body cell, the DNA programming which would eventually make sure, that even if every other kind of cell would reproduce by mitosis, the sex cells wouldn’t.
Somebody designed the second process (meiosis), not as an afterthought, but having made the decision that that was the way to go. And what an ingenious way it is, too.
Somebody made sure that all the necessary mechanisms needed to ensure that sperm from A would reach the ovum from B – and just how long and complex a story that is, many textbooks on sexual reproduction demonstrate very clearly.
All of which argues purpose, intelligence, design, very deep knowledge of the outcome, and of the biochemical processes that would be needed to produce the desired outcome.
Purpose requires intelligence and knowledge.
The mechanism’s design also demonstrates intelligence and fearsome knowledge.
Therefore, chance is eliminated. No accumulations of random mutations could possibly produce this mechanism, because all this had to exist before mutations could occur!
God did it.
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